Principal’s Office: Mr. Kenny Duncan of Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong

by Ella

Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong (NAISHK) stands out in the educational landscape due to its commitment to personalized learning, global collaboration, and innovative teaching methods. Recently awarded “Primary School of the Year,” NAISHK continues to strive for excellence under the leadership of its Principal, Mr. Duncan. In this interview, Mr. Duncan shares insights into the school’s unique approach and his vision for its future.

Q1: Nord Anglia International School is renowned for its global network. How does the school leverage this international community to enrich the educational experience for students?

NAISHK is part of the Nord Anglia Education global family of 85+ international schools in 33 countries. We create life-changing experiences for our students through our global collaborations with world-leading institutions and organizations like The Juilliard School, MIT, and UNICEF. We leverage our global network by providing students with opportunities to collaborate with peers worldwide through our Global Campus platform. This exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives enriches students’ educational experiences, fostering global citizenship and broadening their understanding of the world.

Q2: The school places a strong emphasis on personalized learning. Can you share insights into how Nord Anglia International School tailors its curriculum to meet the individual needs and interests of students?

At NAISHK, we tailor our curriculum through personalized learning plans that consider each student’s strengths, interests, and learning styles. By using data-driven insights and regular assessments, our teachers create bespoke educational experiences that challenge and engage students, ensuring they reach their full potential. This approach allows us to support each student uniquely and help them thrive academically and personally.

Q3: Nord Anglia International School is committed to preparing students for the challenges of the future. How does the school integrate 21st-century skills and innovative teaching methods into its academic programs?

We integrate 21st-century skills by incorporating technology, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration into our academic programs. Innovative teaching methods, such as project-based learning and interdisciplinary studies, prepare our students for future challenges. These methods equip students with the skills needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world, ensuring they are not only knowledgeable but also adaptable and forward-thinking.

Q4: Congratulations on being awarded “Primary School of the Year”! Can you share some specific initiatives or characteristics that you believe set Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong apart and contributed to earning this prestigious recognition?

NAISHK stands out due to its innovative curriculum, dedicated and world-class teachers, and commitment to holistic education. Initiatives like our STEAM programs, global collaborations, and personalized learning plans contribute to an exceptional educational environment. These elements, combined with our focus on nurturing each child’s unique talents and abilities, played a significant role in earning the recognition as “Primary School of the Year.”

Q5: What role do you see technology playing in enhancing the overall learning experience for students of different age groups, and how do you balance its integration with more traditional teaching methods to create a comprehensive educational approach?

Technology enhances the learning experience by providing interactive, engaging tools that cater to various learning styles. At NAISHK, we balance technology with traditional methods by integrating digital resources in a way that complements hands-on activities. This approach fosters a well-rounded education, preparing students for the digital age while retaining essential foundational skills. By doing so, we ensure that technology enriches learning without overshadowing the importance of traditional educational practices.

Q6: As Principal of the Year, you must have a strong vision for the future of education. Could you outline some of your goals and aspirations for the continued growth and success of NAIS?

My vision for NAISHK includes further integrating cutting-edge technology, enhancing global collaboration opportunities, and fostering an inclusive environment that nurtures every student’s unique talents. By continually adapting our educational strategies, we aim to prepare students not just for academic success, but for meaningful, impactful lives in an ever-evolving world. We aspire to be a beacon of educational excellence, where each student is equipped with the skills and mindset to make a positive difference in the global community.

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