Nespresso Summer Club

by Ella

This summer, Nespresso is launching the Unforgettable Mediterranean Summer collection and a variety of refreshing iced coffees. Looking forward to embark on an adventure with Nespresso to discover and taste the hidden treasures of the Mediterranean region.

This Nespresso Summer Club is a vibrant summer event that will transport you to a European holiday with bold Pantone shades of the Mediterranean. Immerse yourself in the charm of the Mediterranean coast at Nespresso Summer Club with instagrammable spots perfectly designed for coffee lovers and capture unforgettable coffee moments at Nespresso summer photo booth. Indulge in our special summer coffee recipes and treat yourself at our affogato station. Every summer has its own unique memories and a cup of Nespresso makes them unforgettable.

Follow the Nespresso Instagram account ( to receive the Affogato and enjoy!

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