Rachel Rae: Embracing the Global Tapestry

by Ella

Introducing Rachel Rae: A worldly adventurer from Singapore now making her mark in the vibrant streets of London. With a passion for exploration and a knack for storytelling, she invites you to join her journey as she uncovers hidden treasures, shares travel tips, and connects with fellow wanderers around the globe.

Can you tell us about yourself and your background?

My name is Rachel, and I’m from Singapore, currently living in London. I was born and raised in Singapore but lived abroad for eight years before coming to the UK to study. I’ve been based here ever since. Having experienced an international environment for most of my life, moving to London felt both familiar and daunting. The city’s bustling atmosphere, filled with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, resonated with me. I love exploring the city, traveling, and trying new experiences, which led me to share my adventures online and connect with others living abroad.

What inspired you to start working as a travel content creator?

The digital world we live in is unique, where every interaction and tap creates a ripple effect, inspiring stories for people we may never meet. I’m fascinated by digital content’s ability to transcend culture and language, allowing people worldwide to interpret and perceive stories differently. After moving to London, I began sharing my journey as a Singaporean living abroad. Since then, I’ve had incredible opportunities to collaborate with brands and share travel tips and recommendations, thanks to London’s status as a perfect base for exploring.


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Are there any goals you are planning to reach in 2024?

In 2024, my focus is on fine-tuning my digital content creation skills and deeply connecting with my audience to provide value and recommendations. I aim to travel to some of my bucket list destinations and step out of my comfort zone by visiting new places and continuing to share recommendations online.


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How do you make yourself happy and Ritzy in life?

I make myself happy and ritzy in life by focusing on what brings me the most joy. For me, it’s trying new experiences, traveling, spending quality time with friends and family, enjoying a good series, and playing sports.

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