Danny Yeo: A Multifaceted Journey through Media and Arts

by Ella

Meet Danny Yeo, a dynamic individual whose life intertwines seamlessly with the realms of media and arts. From his early days as a child actor to his teenage years as a radio deejay, and later evolving into a seasoned emcee and television presenter, Danny’s career path is a testament to his versatility and passion for the spotlight. Beyond his media roles, Danny has also ventured into theatre direction and studio pottery, adding depth and dimension to his artistic journey. Join us as we delve into Danny’s multifaceted world, where creativity knows no bounds and every endeavor is fueled by his unwavering dedication to his craft.

Can you tell us about yourself and your background?

It feels like I’ve been in the media world all my life. Starting as a child actor at the age of 9, I eventually became a radio deejay during my teenage years and started hosting television programmes and stage events soon after. I also spent about 30% of my time in the arts as a theatre director and a studio potter. All my different involvements allowed me to grow in various aspects: events hosting nourishes my body, keeping me active and alert onstage; television presenting invigorates my mind and excites me intellectually; art-making in theatre and pottery fulfils my soul, allowing me to understand the person I am becoming.


What inspired you to start working as an emcee and a TV presenter?

You know how a person changes from listening to pop and then to jazz… or reading entertainment news and then current affairs? Well, I think my career path developed over time to reflect life’s progress too. When I was in radio, it was all about entertainment. Then hosting corporate events and formal ceremonies as an emcee made me a more mature presenter, and I was intrigued by how an emcee can make or break an event purely through his performance, as well as add value to whatever’s happening live onstage. Being an emcee is to serve as a bridge in connecting people. I’ve always seen myself as a people-oriented person.

In 2015, I started presenting documentaries and human-interest travelogues on television and was honored to win the prestigious Asian Academy Creative Awards for Best Host in 2020, competing with half a dozen other countries’ finalists. Many of our award-winning shows about worthy human stories were wholeheartedly made by a closely-knitted team with conscientious thoughts and concerted efforts. I absolutely enjoy being a TV presenter because of the people I work with, the strangers I meet, and the stories I collect on our journeys together. Having hosted more than 22 factual shows, I began to see plainly that we are all connected, despite nationalities, and that there is a clear reason why I am put in this position of being able to share stories: I am a connector and a communicator, a story-collector and an empathetic sharer who can reach out to you both cognitively and emotionally.


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Are there any goals you are planning to reach in 2024?

2024 seems to be a year of preparation, growth, and development for me. After having presented 3 pottery exhibitions last year, I went to Jingdezhen — China’s porcelain capital and ceramics hub — for a month’s residency to hone my skills as a studio potter. It was a really inspiring experience as I was exposed to various practices and given opportunities to learn from masters. From June to October, I will also be involved in another arts residency with Singapore’s National Arts Council — to explore how traditional arts can be re-presented through music, theatre, and Chinese classics. A dragon year is often a time for changes. So for me, 2024 would be a chance for me to grow as an artist, find new ways to present my creative ideas and put into action the plans for a larger-scale musical production. I also hope to decide on an investment plan for a villa in Bali by end-2024.


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Danny Yeo 楊君偉(@dannyyeo_yangjunwei)分享的貼文

How do you make yourself happy and Ritzy in life?

In recent years, whenever I have to decide whether I should take up a project or a production, I would ask myself 3 questions: “人好?錢多?有意義?Are the people nice? Is the reward good? Would it be meaningful?” If I am able to tick 2 out of 3 boxes, I will most definitely take it up. 🙂 It is utmost important that you enjoy every single thing that you do. I truly love whatever I’m doing — hosting an event, presenting a show, directing a production, making pottery — and if you find joy in what you do, nothing’s ever dreadful. That said, I have been very blessed to be able to discover my interests and strengths very early on. I think our goal in life is to find what we like doing and continue to get better at it, without having to compare with anyone else because we are truly unique and one-of-a-kind persons. Other than that, I always try to look good, dress well, and feel great about myself.

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