Ritzy Chat: Anthony Chan, Founder of Unicorn Space

by Ella

Anthony Chan, Founder of Unicorn Space, brings a wealth of experience as an event planner and professional photographer. Through his work, he has had the privilege of connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds, whose stories have profoundly impacted him. This led to the realization that genuine smiles are rare and precious, inspiring him to create Unicorn Space. This platform serves as a sanctuary for the soul, offering a safe and inclusive environment for personal growth through various workshops, sharing sessions, and mind-body-spirit activities. Professional instructors guide participants in nurturing their well-being, making Unicorn Space a unique haven for youth development and animal welfare.

Can you share with us the inspiration behind founding Unicorn Space and what is Unicorn Space?

I founded Unicorn Space to provide a sanctuary for the soul, inspired by my experiences as an event planner and professional photographer. Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds made me realize how rare genuine smiles are. Unicorn Space offers a safe and inclusive environment for participants to feel accepted and supported, growing through various workshops, sharing sessions, and mind-body-spirit activities. We invite professional instructors to share practical methods for nurturing well-being.

How does the online “Emotional Support” work?

The online “Emotional Support” area allows youth to share their troubles anonymously. We have professional counselors who provide advice and psychological guidance to help them cope with their issues.

Can you tell us about the activities and events you organize?

We organize regular mind-body-spirit marketplaces and activities where experts share knowledge and techniques on self-care. Youth can also participate in these events, helping in the organization and gaining valuable experience.

How do youth volunteers help abandoned animals through Unicorn Space?

We collaborate with local animal shelters to organize volunteer activities where youth care for abandoned animals. This helps foster empathy and a sense of responsibility in them, while also improving the welfare of the animals.

What are your future plans for Unicorn Space?

My vision is to raise more awareness about mental and physical health through Unicorn Space. I believe that only when a person’s inner self feels calm and joyful can they truly radiate a captivating smile. I hope that through the efforts of this platform, more people will be inspired to value and take care of their own mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

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