Ritzy Chat : Co-founder of Voltage PR, Life Coach and Intuitive Healer, Coco Alexandra

by Ella

This week we chatted with Coco Alexandraoizant, Co-founder of Voltage PR – one of HK’s top digital and communications agency in Hong Kong. Coco shared with us how to balance her busy life between being a mum to her energetic toddler and being a certified Flourishing Life Coach and Intuitive Healer at same time.

1. Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

I’m Coco Alexandra and wear many different hats in life.  I co-founded one of HK’s top digital and communications agency Voltage PR with my husband Dan 7 years ago. 

Now I dedicate most of my time towards being a mom to my energetic toddler as well as serve clients in supporting their spiritual and personal growth as a Soul Coach, certified Flourishing Life Coach & Trainer and Intuitive Healer. 

As a Soul Coach I weave in my metaphysical knowledge as an Akashic Records Master, Holy Fire Karuna Master and Aromatherapist paired with my 17 years of PR and digital marketing experience to guide and support clients through deep transformation healing specifically in childhood and ancestral trauma.

2. What leads you to the path of wellness and spirituality?

As a little girl, I’ve always been open to the world of the spirit realm but shut it off due to fear programming. In my early 20’s, I ended up in the hospital due to chronic anxiety that awoken me back onto the path of my spiritual awakening. I searched high and low for alternative healing modalities to heal my childhood wounds that activated my deep pain I was holding onto. I found aromatherapy and it literally saved my life. 

The path of aromatherapy then opened up an infinite doorway for me to explore all other modalities: reiki, angel healing, plant medicine, crystal healing, Akashic Records, divine feminine consciousness and so much more! I am a lifetime student, always learning and embodying each stage of life.

3. We don’t often talk about mental health as an Asian Community , how would you suggest us to begin the journey of taking care of our own wellness?

There’s definitely stigma around mental health especially in Asian communities as we’re conditioned at a young age to not talk about it, to ‘suck it up and get on with life’, which in itself is unhealthy.

After years of advocating for Mental Health in HK, I have found that the best way to begin the journey of taking care of our mental wellbeing is to become more aware of our thoughts and actions. Inviting ourselves to ask the deeper questions of why we think the way we do, the way we act etc. This opens up our awareness to the deeper seated issues that lay beneath of consciousness and show us the root of our emotional imbalances. The next step is to educate ourselves about what mental health is, understand the symptoms of imbalance and know where to seek support if needed. Support comes in many forms, friends, professionals or organisations. Understanding that there is NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL is important. Find a support system that works for YOU.

4. As a coach , you hold space for others in their healing journey. How do you stay in a high vibrational state for your clients?

For me, always tuning deeply into what I’m feeling is important to know when to rest and when to pour back into myself. Taking care of myself through energy management and conscious lifestyle habits is key in maintaining a high vibrational state so that I am fully present when I hold space for clients. 

5.  How do you make yourself happy and ritzy in life?

Over the years this has changed, but currently it’s creating space for myself to just BE with me. Connecting in nature, sitting in silence, energy healing, reading books and meditating with essential oils are my top go-to’s! 

Ritzy Chat

There is a story behind every successful woman. Every week, we catch up and chat with incredible women doing incredible things shaping Hong Kong.

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